viernes, 7 de marzo de 2008

The story of a Banker

by Germanico Vaca

Once upon a time there was a banker that believed he had discovered the most ingenious way to riches. He had discovered that he could use the power of its country to convince and sell its inflation, debt and obligations with a promise of mighty riches. He looked so smart, so powerful, so honest that no one doubted that he could deliver in its promise. After all, who could doubt the sincerity of a powerful man and honest man. So he was able to sell trillions upon trillions of paper promises, and in exchange he was able to print and print as much money as his heart desired. Until such time that the world found itself flooded in so many promises that even a small child from a third world country dared asked. How can this be worth even the paper it is printed on?.

The trouble was that the Bank did not belong to him. It belonged to someone else. The debt was so massive that no more zeros could be added to the number for it no longer had a name and it could only be called “debt to infinitive and beyond”.

But this banker was not wiling to accept reality and simply decided to print further promises and paper. He also decided to sell his real estate assets where people no longer could own their own homes but became tenants in their own country. But the debt became so big that he decided to sell the factories and the companies. However, even that was not enough, so he sold the technology and the patents, the scientific achievements, and even its own people. But the banker was not satisfied and he craved to look good, and he continued buying as much as he could from all those little people that now were beginning to own the country, the bank and its people. The Banker was quite confident that a solution was not far away. He had so much pride that he believed any minute he was going to device a new ingenious idea to continue defrauding the world.

Of course, in the meantime the bills kept piling up and coming in, so our banker puts them all in his credit card. When that bill comes due he uses another credit card, Then another. Pretty soon the interest payments alone are so massive than his bills can not longer be paid. But the banker was not worried at all.

Everything had been transferred to a convenient technology; everything was a matrix on a digital world. The whole debt could disappear with a click of a button. The banker could blame some terrorist or another of mischief and the debt will disappear. The banker even started planning the replacement of his currency.

After all everything was intact. The biological weapons he had develop were in place, the chemical weapons he has piled up were only his, the atomic weapons, the nuclear bombs and missiles were all ready to annihilate anyone who could dare question his motives. There was only one small problem. The truth was so evident and the world was collapsing in such a way that only destruction, famine, crime, sickness, war, and collapse was all around. The little people still had hoped that the banker could still provide the solution. But the banker had no ideas for that. He could only promise a little more paper if they were wiling to buy.

Poor, dumb, stupid banker. That banker is our government, and our business leaders.