viernes, 3 de octubre de 2008

The US has been purposefully bankrupted.

by Germanico Vaca

Months before this economic crisis started a report from Stock demonstrated that the dollar is worth about four cents since the Federal Reserve took the helm in 1913. Soon after (April) I wrote an article in which I predicted that the economy will not survive beyond October 2008. It has come the month and the time. I am afraid, very afraid as we approach that day at the end of October. Strangely the Federal Reserve has come up with a plan to pretend to be the savior of the economy when in fact is the culprit. The Federal Reserve Note knows as the U.S. dollar is about to be destroyed.

Americans and central bankers all over the world have clamored after it in all the recent decades. Even while we are before the collapse, the Federal Reserve keeps telling the suckers: “American Investors” and central bankers that U.S. treasuries are the safest investment. How could it be the safest investment when is the debt, deficit and inflation of the United States? And such debt is growing larger by the minute, with all the bail outs, foreclosures, bankruptcies.

What we have is the prelude to a massive collapse of the economy. If the collapse comes on October 29 of this year Mr. George W Bush will declare “a national emergency”, and marshal law may be declared, then they will cancel the elections and will blame the American people for the collapse. If only they voted to “be good suckers” and take on all the debt of the bankers. Your Senator has voted YES to be the suckers; Your Congressmen is next, be sure to give him your vote of confidence for destroying America.

What proof do I have? It is very simple. The Federal Reserve keeps advising people that the safest investment in the United States right now is securities. How could it be? The reasoning behind the bail out is that to save the economy: the American people will be buying toxic debt to be able to create more debt, what a formula eh! All of this with absolute powers of the FED and the treasury department and whatever decisions they make can not be reviewed by any court. That in short is the end of democracy and capitalism as we know it. If that is the solution the geniuses of the Federal Reserve have created then we are in bigger trouble that anybody thinks.

The greedy financiers would like you to think they are the geniuses in New York and Washington D.C. They are nothing but a bunch of weasels who have finally done the deed and missdeed. They are walking away with millions while announcing the bankruptcy and collapse of their failed institutions, just before they have killed the goose that laid the fiat egg.

The Federal Reserve and shadow banker's weren’t content to merely bring in trillions of dollars in profits and never pay taxes (The FED is an independent corporation of the USA who doies not pay taxes. They had to leverage their schemes and shower them across the globe in the form of fraudulent real estate bond packages and derivatives.

How dare this administration keep trying to sell to the American people all this mess. Do they think U.S citizens are idiot suckers who will be happy to take on all the debt and fraud perpetrated by the bankers?

Their claim that it is to save the economy of the United States is a bigger lie than WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) in Iraq.

The dollar continues to sink lower and lower to new depths and along with that the purchasing power of Americans. Aren’t you thankful to this administration they have made you poorer and have spent billions of your money in Iraqis’ that hates us.

A short-term bounce of the dollar could be manufactured and they pass the bail out through coercion, manipulation or extortion, but the fundamentals are atrocious. Nobody can honestly even pretend to suggest remotely that they can fix the economy. The wizards in charge of the buck may as well be versed in in the dark arts and may move as dementors in the shadows of the economy and they are drying shadow hollows in the economy exctracting all vestige of true propsperity. Still they will claim the US has a “strong dollar policy”. I’d hate to see what it would look like if they wanted it lower.

I have to wonder if people in Congress and the Senate behind the so called bail out plan are remotely aware that by putting all the losses of the banks in the back of Americans the U.S. securities become even more worthless overnight. Do they think the world does not know the scam being committed?

The dollar replaced the British Pound as the world’s “reserve currency” thorugh the Brettod Woods agreement in 1944. Commodities have since been priced in dollars globally. That means foreign countries had to first purchase dollars in order to buy key commodities such as oil. Therefore, the need for other countries to have dollars. Other central banks kept their reserves in dollars. No one could get enough dollars. Even though every time they held more their currencies were devaluated. These entities financed our debts, or inflation, our deficits and all the luxuries, waste and extravagances.

Those days are now gone. Fool me 526 trillion times (450 trillion in derivatives + 76 trillion real American debt) shame on me, telling you the truth. Dollars are being shunned across the world. Dollar links to commodity pricing are being broken. Nobody wants to save in a depreciating entity. The era of guns and dollars is gone. Only the guns are left. You should be concerned

The Euro will assume a large part of the duties left in the wake of the dollar chaos, otherwise banks will keep collapsing. The Federal Reserve was so sure they could pull the rabbit from under the hat they started distributing billions of dollars all over the world, before Congress voted no on the bail out. There are no options left and the FED may have bought some time, but soon some will start the stampede out of the dollar. You can practically count down the moment. The Japanese Yen and Chinese Yuan will also come to play their bit. In fact Chavez is going loco in South America trying to start a south American currency, to control it all himself and before the year is out Chavez may announce that he will start building the first nuclear plant. The Swiss would love to have their Franc, once again, be a major global player. At this point, these are all totally fiat entities and more of the same.

Un-backed currencies are always on borrowed time and eventually all will go the way of the Dodo. They appeal to the something for nothing crowd. This same crowd inevitably brings them down.

The entities in charge of global economics and finance want nothing to do with honest money. Although, they always claim to be the pillars of an honest society. They will fight gold or silver backed money tooth and nail.

Commodity backed money restricts their power. A constitutionally mandated, precious metal backed currency sets individuals free. Fiat money enslaves.
Where do you think the US is headed next when the final nail gets pounded into the dollar coffin? Honest money or more of the same? They have already designed and probably even printed the first bunch of AMEROS, maybe they want to call the world The Amerocans.

My Nostradumbass, jaded and conspiracy oriented mind sees continued abuses coming in the future, courtesy of the United States government and the shadow government of economic wizards that operate in the Federal Reserve. As long as the elitist creeps in the Council on Foreign Relations and other secretive
Societies, and the skulls and bones alumni remain in control of the White House managing the power behind the scenes nothing substantive will change. Elitist globalists are intent upon bringing forth a “New World Order”. They seek a one-world government and they intend to run it. You will be their serf. Not me, I have decided to go back abroad, I will dedicate myself to build a survival base for the day of the alignment of the earth with the center of the galaxy in 2012.

The US has been and continues to be dismantled. It is no accident. US sovereignty and the US Constitution stand in direct opposition to authoritarian enslavement. They have largely been rendered null and void. Unending Executive Orders, the Patriot Act and unconstitutional treaties have rendered the Constitution little more than a historic document.

The US has been purposefully bankrupted. Most Americans do not do a damn thing about it. Alas they claim to be the defenders of freedom and democracy, shame on you when you stand uselessly and do nothing while your freedoms and rights are being taken away.

Our manufacturing base and our standard of living have been shipped overseas. We are being assimilated into the global community. You must fight for your rights, no one else will, you better start now.

What does all this have to do with the dollar collapse and the current financial crisis?
This is not the event of one day or a few days. This is the Philip Dru plan that started in 1913. This is the New World Order assault in democracy and the destruction of the United States constitution. If you do not see it and do not understand it, then you will be left with the debt and no rights whatsoever.

The world as we know it no longer will be the same. We’re heading for more of the same problems, but on a larger scale. Bigger is always better, right? How will we ever be able to compete with the Euroland? It now represents 31% of global output and is considerably larger than the US. If that is nothing they depend totally, completely, absolutely 100% in energy from Russia, so that allied friend is long unable to help us now.

“We, the people” wake up. Honest money will come only over their tarred and feathered bodies.